I was so excited when I received these two China Glaze Crackle Metals the other day. I've been dying to try them. I received Oxidized Aqua and Tarnished Gold. The formula of both polishes was fabulous. If you've had difficulty with other crackles/shatters, try these metallic beauties. They apply smoothly and easily, and crack very well.

Tarnished Gold is a beautiful true gold metallic crackle. This color gold makes me think of pirate treasure hidden in a sea cave somewhere. I love this color and I can see myself using it year round! I've been wanting a gold crackle, and this one really fits the bill.

I used a medium-thick coat of Tarnished Gold over two coats of China Glaze Raspberry Festival. Am I the only one who always forgets the "p" in raspberry? I ALWAYS have to go back and add it in. Anyway, I love this combo, and it reminds me how much I love Raspberry Festival!

Next up we have Oxidized Aqua. When I first saw the promo pictures for this collection, I knew I would LOVE Oxidized Aqua. I'm a sucker for aqua colors, and aqua metallic crackle is just a huge win. This is a gorgeous pale, sparkling aqua with lots of silver mixed in.

For this look, I used one medium-thick coat of Oxidized Aqua over two coats of China Glaze Blue Paradise (if you don't own this, buy it NOW. Seriously.) Again, LOVE this combination, need to wear it as a full mani ASAP. I really love both of these Crackle Metals, and I intend to pick up Cracked Medallion as well!

Now, for the REALLY fun news! China Glaze accidentally sent me an extra set of Tarnished Gold and Oxidized Aqua!!! You know what that means= GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!!
One lucky winner will win one bottle of China Glaze Tarnished Gold and one bottle of China Glaze Oxidized Aqua. This giveaway is open to all readers. Here's how to enter:
1. You MUST be a follower on Google Friend Connect.
2. Leave a comment on this post telling me what China Glaze polish you would like to wear with either of these crackles. Also provide your GFC follower name and Twitter/Facebook names if you choose to enter that way. If you added me to your blogroll, please link to your blog. (If you want me to add you to my blogroll please let me know that as well!!)
3. Bonus entry: Follow me on Twitter.
4. Bonus entry: "Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook (see box at top of page).
5. Bonus entry: Add me to your blogroll.
Giveaway will end Wednesday, August 3rd at midnight NYC time. Good luck!!
China Glaze Tarnished Gold and Oxidized Aqua were sent to me by a PR agent for China Glaze. For more information, please see my Disclosure Policy.
So nice combos!!!
I love them!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I follow you as rock-or-not
I wear black under golden and white under the blue ( I know quite simple but I know I will love them like that!)
Thank you!
Great giveaway!
GFC: Josie's Nails
I would wear a pretty pink polish under both colors, like Orly Fancy Fuchsia :)
You're on my blogroll!
1. GFC name is Wendy
2. I'd love to wear Oxidized Aqua over For Audrey! :D Not sure what I'd wear under Tarnished Gold, but I'm sure that a trip to my local could remedy that. ;)
3. Followed you on Twitter as @_hoshiakari
4. Liked your FB page as Wendy Ochoa
Thanks for the giveaway!:D
I like the gold combo! I'd love a chance to win these, they aren't available where I am >.>
Id pair the gold crackle with Orly Out of this world and the blue crackle with OPI pink of hearts :)
My google name is Jenna B polishloving.blogspot.com I'm a follower :)
I might pull out Strawberry Field to pair with Tarnished Gold and Fortune Teller for Oxidized Aqua :)
Follow you on twitter as Sparkled_Beauty, like on FB too
GFC: Ruth
I would wear Sea Spray under the Oxidized Aqua and Emerald Sparkle under the Tarnished Gold crackle.
I am following you on Twitter (RuthGBCN)
I like your FB page (Ruth Gistelinck)
GFC: Kika
I would wear Tarnished Gold with CG City siren, and Oxidized Aqua with White ice.
I follow you on Twitter: KristinaMajst
I like FB page - Kristina Majstoric
I would put Ruby Pumps with the gold and Coconut Kiss with the aqua.
GFC: Melody Johnson
GFC: preciouspearl
I will wear Tarnished Gold over papaya punch & Oxidized Aqua over Cha Cha Cha .
Following on Twitter via pearlmakeup
Liked Never Enough Nails on Facebook via Precious Pearl.
email: preciouspearlmakeup@gmail.com
I will try the Tarnished Gold with my all time favorite pink nail polish, China Glaze Fifth Avenue.
Thanks for the great giveaway! :)
I'm a twitter follower! :) (@Sarit_Gabay)
"Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook.
id wear it over pink nail polish <3
*i follow your blog via GFC as Jel
*followed on twitter, @jelaiii_x
*blogroll: http://whenthreeisacrowd.blogspot.com
*Liked on FB (Maggy Diaz Oro)
punkme15 at gmail dot com
These look awesome! I'd wear them both over black!
I'm a follower! ElfRenee
I follow on Twitter! @ElfRenee
I follow via GFC as kittysclearance
I would wear the Glaze Tarnished Gold over Four Leaf clover and Oxidized Aqua over Hot lava Love
GFC: A Tiny Blog
E-mail: a (dot) tiny (dot) blog (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd love to try Tarnished Gold over a dark purple nail polish.
great giveaway!
i follow as gfc crystaliciousss
you are on my blogroll at crystaliciousss.com
twitter follower crystal leysner
I'd love to see Oxidized Aqua over cg hi tek and cracked medaillion over papaya punch :)
have a great sunday!
Following your blog on Google Friend Connect (ksyshenka)
I would like to wear french with two of these crackles. I think it would be nice!!!
Following you on Twitter! (@oksana2372)
I like Never Enough Nails on Facebook! (oksana vladimirovna)
Thank you for the chance!
GFC follower - Katarzyna
I would wear the Glaze Tarnished Gold over Starboard and Oxidized Aqua over Sun Worshiper :)
Twitter follower - @Kaziutka
I follow gfc - emillie.
I would wear bright pink with the aqua.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter - hisprinces886.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
I "Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook - emillie rose.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Fantastic giveaway! I am old gfc follower (Marina D.)
I really can't decide what polish would I wear, I would try it with everything :)
I am following on twitter (isollea)
and on facebook (Marina M.B.)
enter me please!
GFC: Elenita
I'll wear Oxidized Aqua over bermuda breakaway!
Amazing giveaway..
Follower via GFC as ana D
I can't decide with which polish i should wear it.. I'll try every polish i have to find a perfect match :)
I "Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook as Ana D.
Great post. Thanks for the chance to win. I like Ruby Pumps with Tarnished gold
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
FB: Norleans Louisiana
Twitter: @nola727
3. Bonus entry: Follow me on Twitter.
I do as @nola727
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
4. Bonus entry: "Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook (see box at top of page).
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
I do as Norleans Louisiana
5. Bonus entry: Add me to your blogroll.
I did!
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway!
GFC: OPI Addict
e-mail: opiaddict@hotmail.ca
I would layer Tarnished Gold over Senorita Bonita.
I would layer Oxidized Aqua over Blue Iguana.
I added you to my blogroll: http://addictedtoopi.blogspot.com/
I would love it if you added me to yours!
I follow you on twitter: opiaddict
I "liked" Never Enough Nails on Facebook (facebook name is Laura Herchel)
good luck everyone!
wow, very nice! I follow on gfc as hermetic
my email is hermetic2003 at yahoo dot com
I'd love to wear Tarnished Gold over Evening Seduction, that's a dark plum creme, I think those would make a great combo.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
i'm a gfc follower! i'd wear it with China Glaze Passion!
i follow you on Twitter! @DolphinV27
i "Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook (Vittoria V.).
on my blogroll!
1. i follow on Google Friend Connect (name: Cristina)
2. i like China Glaze Papaya Punch
i like you on twitter; name: @mumzymum
i like you on facebook! name: cristina v.
- GFC: nailstonic.
- I would definitely use black with the gold/silver or even silver on silver like Chinaglaze's millenium. I love it!
- Follow u on twitter : cutexnailz
- Like you on fb: Nailstonic
- I've added you in my blogroll here: Http://nailstonic.blogspot.com and even posted on your entry. I hope you can link me back too! THANKS!
GFC: anschluss_phau23
i'd like to wear the tarnished gold with a black polish!!
i liked you on fb: paula palo panlaqui
followed you on twitter : paularoyale
email address: anschluss_phau23@yahoo.com
I would love the gold over Riveter Rouge...
GFC: Anutka
Email: angalek@gmail.com
FB like as Wacky Laki
Twitter follow as: GiveawayLand
Posted: http://giveawayland.blogspot.com/2011/08/more-giveaways-ending-july-3rd-july-5th.html
Blogroll: http://giveawayland.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for the giveaway :D
became a GFC follower, I would have blue under gold and silver under the aqua
imhalfasian at yahoo dot com
liked never enough nails on fb imhalfasian at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog with GFC under the name Angel.
I would wear China Glaze For Audrey under China Glaze Tarnished Gold.
I added you to my blog roll: http://prevailwithpolish.blogspot.com/
I follow you on Twitter @victoriancherub.
I "liked" Never Enough Nails under Angel Wright.
Thanks for the chance to win. Please keep up the good work with your blog!
I would like Sexy in the City with the blue crackle!
I follow via GFC as malkatz.
I follow you on Twitter.
I "Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook
Email: fashuneesta[at]aol[dot]com
i follow via gfc! :D and i definitely want to use oxidized aqua. :D
<3, Mimi
I would wear it with my current pink polish.
Following via GFC (Huguette E.)
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Following on twitter ~ @henglish
Like on facebook ~ Huguette En
I follow you via GFC as Cristina
I would wear them under black or white, I think they would look awesome (the first one would like lovely with green polish also, as the photo you published )
I follow you on twitter as GondosCristina
I like never enough nails on Facebook (Cristina Gondos).
I don’t have a blog, so I think that’a all. Thanks for the giveaway. XoXo
I follow on GFC - Stephanie S
email is st(dot)fx(at)hotmail(dot)com
I would wear Oxidized Aqua over Secret Periwinkle and Tarnished Gold over Recycle :)
GFC: Kate
I would LOVE to wear Oxidized Aqua over Liquid Leather & Tarnished Gold over Nude:)
Follow you on Twitter as Fishing4Beauty
"Like" Never Enough Nails on Facebook as Fishing4Beauty
Added to my sidebar w/ picture: http://fishing4beauty.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I post as FancyFantasy !
1. My GFC name is justoneofakindx
2.I liked on facebook! My name is Veshani Justoneofakindx :)
3.I followed on twitter as well! I am @xveshanilove
If i win i would love to try Oxidized Aqua :) I don't own anything of china glaze so i am pretty excited!
4. I added you to my blog roll! Link: http://fantasywillremainfancy.blogspot.com/
If you want to add me to your blogroll you may. I am not asking you cause i don't blog often. And i haven't really actually "blogged" i am planning on doing so for sure though in the future :) Thanks !
Followed via GFC
GFC Name:Zari
Also liked your Fb Page (as Le Zardari)
I'd wear papaya punch with the tarnished gold - i'd wear it all over the placee
GFC Name: Zari
Facebook name: Le Zardari
Email id: zarlashtkhan92@hotmail.com
GFC as dragonfruit :)
I would wear Sky High Top with Oxidized Aqua and Ahoy with Tarnished Gold.
Great giveaway! I would wear Tarnished Gold over a darker blue, such as China Glaze - Bermuda Breakaway.
I follow via GFc as irina and my email address is crazy_for_giveaways@yahoo.com
I follow on twitter as love_muffin
I liked on facebook as irina istrate
I would wear Atlantis (it's a teal glitter polish) with the Tarnished Gold!
I follow via GFC as dollhouse
I like on you fb as Verna C
I follow you on twitter as vernababy
Whoa, in by the hair on my chiny chin chin.
I'd wear Tarnished Gold over Flying Dragon (neon) and Oxidized Aqua over For Audrey or maybe Happy Go Lucky (er I don't own that one lol)
GFC is purplegreenpanda and you are on my blogroll: http://purplegreenpanda.blogspot.com/
Thanks for this cool giveaway!
thank you for the give away =)
already following you blog & twitter
GFC: kaderkismet
i d like to wear black under the gold crackle, and blur mixes under the silver one =)
is there a winner?
The winner will be announced later today. I had to work all day today!
I would try Tarnished Gold over Ruby Pumps. :)
GFC Sarah
email sarahkwoodall at gmail dot com
blogroll: http://theclumsykiwi.blogspot.com/
Facebook: Sarah Woodall
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