
January 29, 2012

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hour Eyeshadows

Left to right: Fierce and Tangy, Tough As Taupe, Audacious Asphalt

I've already mentioned a few days ago that I don't buy much drugstrore make-up, so I personally found it interesting how excited I was for these Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hour Eye Shadows. My relationship with the Color Tattoos was very similar to my typical relationship with a new NARS collection. The first stage is called "stalking" and that may include: reading every review of the product that I can find on various blogs, tweeting about how much I want said product, Googling the name of the product at least once a day to see if any new swatches or reviews have been posted, and making a list of exactly which shades of the product I want to buy.

Left to right: Fierce and Tangy, Tough As Taupe, Audacious Asphalt

The second stage of the relationship is "buying". I don't know about you, but I plan my beauty purchases. Last week, I knew I would be getting paid on Wednesday, and I also happen to get out of work a bit early on Wednesdays. Thus, the plot to stop at CVS on my way home from work began! Sadly, this turned into stopping at CVS, Walgreens AND Rite Aid because CVS was sold out of these babies, and Walgreens didn't even have a display for them. Rite Aid FTW.

Left to right: Fierce and Tangy, Tough As Taupe, Audacious Asphalt

Naturally, being that I am a blogger, the third step is "reviewing". Maybelline's claim that these shadows last 24 hours is a big one. I did not test these for 24 hours yet. I have no need to wear eye shadow for 24 hours normally, EXCEPT when I fly overseas. When I fly overseas, I usually put my make-up on at around 11:30 a.m. at my house. My flight normally departs around 9 p.m. I don't arrive in Europe until approximately 3 or 4 a.m. our time, and normally then have quite a journey to my hotel. So, I do actually probably wear eye shadows for almost 24 hours in that situation. Next time I fly overseas, I will definitely let you know how it goes!

Left to right: Fierce and Tangy, Tough As Taupe, Audacious Asphalt

OK, onto actual reviewing. The pigmentation of these shadows is excellent. For these swatches, I swirled my finger around in maybe two circles, then swept it on to my arm. When you use these in a look on your eyes, you do need to blend quickly, as they set very fast. Once set, they don't budge! I had to use make-up remover to remove these swatches from my arm. 

Left to right: Fierce and Tangy, Tough As Taupe, Audacious Asphalt, in shade

So far I have worn Fierce and Tangy and Tough As Taupe. I wore Fierce and Tangy for about 8 hours, and Tough As Taupe for about 10. I did choose to give these a difficult test and wear them each to a two hour dance class. I don't know how much Irish dancing you've ever seen, but let me just say that we SWEAT. A LOT. I can do other forms of exercise (running, pilates, Ab Ripper X) and barely break a sweat, but not so with Irish dance. Consequently, eye shadow normally doesn't hold up so well in my dance classes. 

Fierce and Tangy all over the lid, MAC 100 Strokes (burgundy brown) in crease

Both Fierce and Tangy and Tough As Taupe held up admirably. I must mention that there was very very slight creasing in both cases. The creasing occurred in places where I had applied MAC powder shadow over the Maybelline shadows, not where I had the Color Tattoos alone. I have yet to test these on a day that I don't have to be covered in sweat for two hours, but I will be doing that this weekend.

Fierce and Tangy all over the lid, MAC 100 Strokes (burgundy brown) in crease

I think Maybelline did an amazing job with the colors they chose to release these shadows in. I do not own any orange eye shadow like Fierce and Tangy. It is gorgeous!!!! Orange eye shadow may seem scary, but if you have blue or green eyes, you should try it. It will make your eyes REALLY pop. Just use some brown shadow in the crease and lots of black mascara, and it won't look too crazy.

Fierce and Tangy all over the lid, MAC 100 Strokes (burgundy brown) in crease

So far, I am a big fan of these eye shadows! I can't wait to see how they fair in a normal environment, minus the sweating. I want lots of the other colors, including Pomegranate Punk, Bad to the Bronze, and Tenacious Teal. I would have bought them this week if Rite Aid had had them in stock!!

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hour Eye Shadows are available now at a drugstore near you, or online at

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