March 30, 2012

Tips For Dealing With Spring Allergies, Brought To You By Canada Drug Pharmacy!!

Spring has officially hit Connecticut!! The evidence is everywhere, from the beautiful daffodils in my garden to the constant sneezing and scratchy throat I've had for a few weeks now. It is definitely hard to remain calm, collected, and lookin' pretty with all of my allergies symptoms, but I do have some tips for you fellow sufferers! All products mentioned are available online at Canada Drug Pharmacy.

My first tip would be to try an over-the-counter allergy medication. Many of them are mild and very effective!! Tylenol even makes a multi-symptom allergy pill now, available at Canada Drug Pharmacy. However, I know a lot of people are anti-medication as much as possible, so I do have some advice if you'd like to avoid pills. First, get yourself some eye drops!! I like Visine Advance Allergy drops, they really help me look like a human being with normal eyes during the worst of allergy season. I'd hate to be confused with a zombie, you know. 

I also tend to get really itchy skin during allergy season. I like to keep some Benadryl Itch Relief Cream on hand for these occasions. Benadryl Itch Relief Cream also works for bug bites and sunburn, so it's a handy product to have around for the summer months. If you have really horrible allergies plus asthma (like me), you'll probably be in need of a stronger prescription medication. I personally have been taking Singulair for several years now, but it is CRAZY expensive!! It's like $8 a pill or something whackadoo. Fortunately I have just discovered that Canada Drug Pharmacy does sell this at a discount and I may be able to save quite a bit of money every year! You absolutely need to chat with your doctor about any prescription medications, as I, a nail polish blogger, am certainly not qualified to dispense medical advice!

Do you have any other tips for surviving allergy season?? Let me know, I'd love to hear them!!

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