
March 6, 2012

What I'm Wearing: Lynnderella I Can Afford It!

After wearing SpaRitual Solstice for a day or two, I couldn't resist spicing it up with a little Lynnderella I Can Afford It! Lynnderella I Can Afford It! is from her Funny Money collection and is insanely awesome. It might be my favorite Lynnderella so far. There are a TON of gorgeous glitters in here, including: very large square green glitter, medium green hex glitter, small round green glitter, very fine silver holo glitter (this looks so awesome in person!) and the occasional small round purple glitter. The fine silver holo glitter really adds something special and I couldn't quite capture it on camera. One (or more?) of the green glitters is slightly holo as well, and that really looks cool in person.

This is two thin coats of I Can Afford It! over SpaRitual Solstice. I think three medium coats would result in almost full coverage of I Can Afford It! alone. I am going to be wearing I Can Afford It! a lot this month, as it's March and green is my go to color!

Ugh, I'm drooling right now!!

Lynnderella I Can Afford It! is really special. I adore this polish and I'm so happy I managed to scoop it up back when the Funny Money collection first went on sale.  Lynnderella is currently on a hiatus from producing more of her beautiful lacquers. I will definitely keep you posted about any news I hear regarding when she will re-open/what the ordering process will be like in the future. I am looking forward to seeing the pretties she creates in the future.

SpaRitual Solstice is available on

SpaRitual Solstice was purchased with funds provided to me by my sponsor, For more information, please see my Disclosure Policy.


  1. I love this combo! It definitely reminds me of money!

  2. I love the green sparkles. =).

    Just because I saw this and IDK if you've seen it yet. Julep is offering their maven club for just $0.01 the first month with the code MARCHINTRO.

    It's an awesome dealll and I love sharing nail polish deals.

  3. Thanks arfblat! I'm still wearing it now and still in love with it! Do you have any Lynnderellas?

    Amanda B.- wow, great deal! I'd say it's worth a try for that price!

  4. I'm marching in. St Patrick's Day parade this weekend, Peace, Love, and Polish, and I'm going to wear this!
