
April 19, 2013

Like baby chicks and sunshine: Lynnderella Sweets to the Sweet

Base: one coat Nicole by OPI Base Coat Plus
Color: three coats China Glaze Lemon Fizz, two coats Lynnderella Sweets to the Sweet
Top: one coat Poshe
Application: good (out of poor, average, good, excellent)
China Glaze Lemon Fizz and Lynnderella Sweets to the Sweet were both purchased with my own money. All opinions are my own honest thoughts.

I've been dying to try to get Lynnderella Yellow Baby Bunny Candy for over a year now, but Lynnderella LEs are never easy to get. Now that all Lynnderellas are sold on eBay, I keep getting outbid on my precious Yellow Baby Bunny Candy. However, I recently bought the regular collection polish, Lynnderella Sweets to the Sweet. Sweets to the Sweet is a classic Lynnderella color from the Lovely Is As Lovely Does collection, released sometime around January/February 2012. It contains various white glitters in a shimmering sheer white base, with assorted green, purple, lavender, red, and blue glitters tossed in the mix. It always reminds me of candy wrappers! I started thinking that maybe using a pale yellow creme under Sweets would look like my beloved Yellow Baby Bunny Candy!

I dabbed two coats of Sweets to the Sweet over China Glaze Lemon Fizz, and what do you know?? It DOES look like the gorgeous Yellow Baby Bunny Candy!! Now, if I had the chance, I would still buy Yellow Baby Bunny Candy. I am on a mission to own all of the yellow polishes Lynn has ever made. But if you already own Sweets to the Sweet and a pale yellow creme, this may be a great substitute for you! Sweets to the Sweet has plentiful glitter and was very easy to apply. I did use the dabbing method, as it makes life so much easier!

Lynnderella Sweets to the Sweet is available at It's part of her core collection, so if by any chance you don't see it listed, just email Paul and he'll make sure you get one!


  1. I think you chose the perfect underwear for this polish! Great combo :)

  2. Thanks Polish Alcoholic! I really enjoyed wearing this mani!
