
December 1, 2013

Glitter and Be Gay This Holiday Season with Deborah Lippmann

 *Purchased by me*

It's December 1st and that means the holiday season is officially in gear! I personally like to enjoy each holiday individually, so I don't allow myself to do Christmas things until Thanksgiving is over and December has begun. Now that it is December, I can start listening to Christmas music constantly and rocking Christmas nails. I couldn't think of a better polish to kick off the season with than Deborah Lippmann Glitter and Be Gay. I am a huge fan of gold holo glitter and Glitter and Be Gay is the ULTIMATE yellow gold holo glitter polish. The glitter in this lacquer must have come from Santa himself because it is super extra sparkly and rainbow-y. There are also some scattered holo gunmetal glitter pieces mixed with the gold and I think they add extra depth and dimension.

This is about one and a half dabbed coats of Glitter and Be Gay over China Glaze Red-y and Willing. My first coat was almost enough, but I wanted to go back in fill in a few sparse areas. The base of this polish is a bit thick, but it's definitely not terrible and it's pretty much to be expected with a polish this chock full of glitter. I didn't have any application problems using the dabbing method.

*Purchased by me*

Glitter and Be Gay is so stunning and perfect for the holidays. In fact, now that I started my holiday manis off with this polish, I am not sure how I am going to top this one. Maybe I should have saved this for last? I got Deborah Lippmann Glitter and Be Gay at

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